Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sisters at Play

The weather has been getting cooler & cooler lately, but still nice enough to get outside and enjoy it! So, today after Daddy got home from work, we grabbed the girls bikes and headed down to the park. They were so excited! Jillian cried for part of the walk down to the park because once she saw her bike she wanted to ride it THEN! When Craig took it to carry it to the park, she threw herself on the floor and cried. Once we started walking though, she calmed down.

Once we were at the park, the girls let loose and had a great time! Jillian was so cute because she was concentrating SO hard on trying to pedal and move her bike by herself. She made it down a little hill all on her own, but doing it "Flintstones" style by using her feet on the ground. She still made it! There was a small concrete section next to the swing sets that the girls rode their bikes on. Jillian even tried to steal a bit of time on Kylie's "motor scooter", as Kylie calls it... Kylie loved swinging on the swings with Daddy and even tried to push him a few times while he had his turn on the swings! It was a great afternoon for all of us!

Jillian concentrating REALLY hard on getting down the hill.

Girls playing with their bikes...actually each other's...

Kylie giving Jillian a little push.

Daddy pushing Kylie on the swings.

Sisters at play on a beautiful October afternoon!

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