It's that time of year again - the annual St. Clement School/Rosedale Volunteer Fire Dept. Carnival!! Since we live across the street now, the girls can see all the rides & tents from our house & have been more than eager to go! I get asked numerous time a day, "Can we go to the carnival?" or "It's still there, Mommy, can we go?" So, last night we all headed over for some rides, games, food, & fun!!
Mom-Mom got the girls ride wristbands so they could ride any ride they wanted as many times as they wanted! This was Jillian's first year riding the rides & she was SO excited & did really well on each one! She even rode some by herself when Kylie wanted to ride something different or keep playing games. They also LOVED playing the games & winning prizes! They won stuffed animals, a baby doll, a doll house, & a farm game! After a fun night, we headed home with some tears because they didn't want to leave....but tonight is the parade so there will be lots more fun - and pictures!!

The girls riding the "Wiggle Worm"

It went a little faster than we thought, but they did a great job!!

Pony Cart Ride! Jillian held onto the reins & Kylie rang the bell!

Hang on tight!!

Kylie couldn't wait to ride the Carousel!

Playing the "Best Stand in Rosedale" - Kylie was biting her nails waiting to see if her number would be called! It was!!!!

Jilly Bean riding the Jetskis!

Can you tell she's having fun???

Kylie's turn to ride the waves on the jetskis!
What a great time we had & we will definitely be returning before the week is over!! Tonight is the parade with lots of trucks, bands, dancers, & more! Keep posted for pictures! Thankfully, we don't have to worry about parking this year! :)